† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11334009, 11474321, and 11527807).
We theoretically study the high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in a two-color laser field using the Bohmian mechanics. Our results show that, for the case of a weak second-color laser field, the simulation of the HHG with only one central Bohmian trajectory is in a good agreement with the ab initio time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) results. In contrast, with the increase of the amplitude of the second-color laser field, the HHG spectra from the single central Bohmian trajectory deviate from the TDSE results more and more significantly. By analyzing the Bohmian trajectories, we find that the significant deviation is due to the fact that the central Bohmian trajectory leaves the core quickly in the two-color laser field with the breaking of inversion symmetry. Interestingly, we find that another Bohmian trajectory with different initial position, which keeps oscillating around the core, could qualitatively well reproduce the TDSE results. Furthermore, we study the HHG spectrum in a two-color laser field with inversion symmetry and find that the HHG spectrum in TDSE can be still well simulated with the central Bohmian trajectory. These results indicate that, similar to the case of one color laser field, the HHG spectra in a two-color laser field can be also reproduced with a single Bohmian trajectory, although the initial position of the trajectory is dependent on the symmetry of the laser field. Our work thus demonstrates that Bohmian trajectory theory can be used as a promising tool in investigating the HHG process in a two-color laser field.
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) first observed in experiment in 1988[1] has attracted much attention due to its potentially broad applications, such as table-top extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft x-ray sources,[2] the generation of the attosecond laser pulses,[3–5] and the coherent imaging of molecular structures.[6–8] The process of HHG can be well described with a semiclassical three-step model:[9,10] (i) the bound electron is liberated by the strong laser field, (ii) the ionized electron is accelerated in the laser field, and (iii) the ionized electron may recombine with the parent ion accompanied by the emission of a high-energy photon. The corresponding HHG spectrum exhibits a plateau with a cutoff energy of 3.17Up + Ip, where Up is the ponderomotive potential of the laser field and Ip is the ionization potential of the atomic target under investigated.
Recently, the study of the HHG in a two-color strong laser field has become a hot topic in the strong-field community. The atomic ionization amplitude and the ultrafast dynamics of the ionized electron in a two-color laser field can be accurately controlled and thus the HHG can be well designed. For example, Jin et al.[11] showed that the harmonics can be enhanced by one to two orders of magnitude by synthesizing a two- or three-color field. Brugnera et al.[12] showed that the short and long quantum trajectories in high harmonic emission can be controlled through the use of an orthogonally polarized two-color field. Very recently, the bright phase-matched circularly polarized high harmonics are generated by using a circularly polarized, counterrotating two-color driving pulse.[13,14]
To well understand the HHG process and its underlying ultrafast electronic dynamics in a two-color laser field, an appropriate theoretical modeling is in demand. Usually, the HHG process is investigated by numerically solving the ab initio time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). However, the TDSE can not provide a clear physical picture to reveal the underlying physics. To overcome this problem, many theoretical models are developed,[15–18] e.g., the Bohmian mechanics[19–21] (also called the quantum trajectory theory[22,23]). Bohmian mechanics, which is exactly derived from TDSE, describes the dynamics of the electron with the concept of trajectories. Thus Bohmian mechanics can not only well simulate the HHG, but, more importantly, it can provide an intuitive picture on the electron dynamics in a laser field. Recently, Bohmian mechanics has been successfully used to study HHG and the photoionization from simple atom to molecule and from the single ionization to the double ionization.[24–39] Generally speaking, the strong-field phenomena can be well simulated with a large number of Bohmian trajectories. Recently, however, it is found that, interestingly, just a few Bohmian trajectories are enough to qualitatively reproduce the HHG spectra and hence it provides a very convenient way to understand the HHG process by analyzing these Bohmian trajectories. For example, Song et al.[32] showed that the harmonic emission calculated by randomly selected 20 Bohmian trajectories is qualitatively identical to the TDSE calculations. Wu et al.[33,34] further showed that the HHG spectrum can be qualitatively well reproduced with only one central trajectory in a monochromatic laser field. However, for a two-color laser field, whether the HHG spectra can be well simulated with the single central Bohmian trajectory is still not clear. An answer to this question would be important for a comprehensive understanding of the HHG processes in a two-color laser field from the Bohmian trajectory perspective.
In this paper, we theoretically study the HHG in a parallel-polarized two-color laser field using the Bohmian mechanics. Our results show that the simulations of the HHG with only one central Bohmian trajectory can well reproduce the TDSE results for the case of a weak second-color laser field. However, with the increase of the amplitude of the second-color laser field, a significant deviation is observed. By analyzing the Bohmian trajectories, we find that the significant deviation is ascribed to the breaking of inversion symmetry in the two-color laser field. Interestingly, another Bohmian trajectory with different initial position qualitatively well reproduces the TDSE result. To further show the influence of the symmetry of a laser field on the HHG with Bohmian trajectory, we study the HHG in a two-color laser field with inversion symmetry and find that the HHG spectrum can be still well simulated with the central Bohmian trajectory. Therefore, our work indicates that the HHG spectra in a two-color laser field can be also reproduced with a single Bohmian trajectory, although the initial position of the trajectory is dependent on the symmetry of the laser field.
As a benchmark, we take the ab initio TDSE simulation of the interaction of atom with strong laser field. For the sake of simplicity, we solve the one-dimension TDSE
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The two-color laser field is given by
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To ensure that all relevant dynamics are incorporated for the parameter range of interest, we have set the box boundaries located far enough away from the core region, e.g., xmax = 512 a.u. Furthermore, we have employed a mask function to avoid reflections and spurious effects near the box edges, which is
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In order to construct the Bohmian trajectories, Ψ(
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In Bohmian mechanics, the dipole acceleration of each Bohmian trajectory with the initial position x0 is given by[25,31,33,34]
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In Fig.
In Fig.
Next, we calculate the HHG spectra with the single central Bohmian trajectory with x0 = 0 (red lines in Fig.
To understand the influence of the two-color laser field on the HHG simulated with the single central Bohmian trajectory, we analyze the trajectory in the monochrome and two-color laser field, respectively. In Figs.
Interestingly, we find that even though the central Bohmian trajectory leaves the core quickly in the two-color laser field, there is another Bohmian trajectory which is bounded near the parent ion in the laser field and the ionic Coulomb potential. For example, figure
Furthermore, to more clearly understand the influence of the symmetry of a laser field on the simulation of the HHG spectrum with Bohmian trajectory, we choose a two-color laser field with inversion symmetry with r = 3, s = 5, β = 1, and ω = 0.019 a.u. in Eq. (
We theoretically studied the HHG in a two-color laser field using the Bohmian mechanics, in comparison with the TDSE calculations. Our results show that the simulation of the HHG with only one central Bohmian trajectory is in a good agreement with the TDSE results for the case of a weak second-color laser field. However, with the increase of the amplitude of the second laser pulse, a significant deviation of the HHG spectra is observed. By analyzing the Bohmian trajectories, we find that the significant deviation is ascribed to that the central Bohmian trajectory leaves the core quickly in the two-color laser field with the breaking of inversion symmetry. Interestingly, we find that another Bohmian trajectory with different initial position, which keeps oscillating around the core, could qualitatively reproduce the HHG spectrum well. Furthermore, we study the HHG spectrum in a two-color laser field with inversion symmetry and find that the HHG spectrum can be still well simulated with the central Bohmian trajectory. Therefore, our work indicates that the HHG spectrum in a two-color laser field can be also reproduced with a single Bohmian trajectory, although the initial position of the trajectory is dependent on the symmetry of the laser field. This result suggests that Bohmian trajectory theory provides a promising tool to explore the HHG of atoms and molecules[45,46] in a two-color laser field and to reveal the underlying electronic dynamics.
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